Diabetic Therapy

The Institute of Advanced Medicine utilizes leading edge medical technology in the diagnosis evaluation and treatment of diabetes.

The absolute best treatment for any disease is prevention. Through the use of specialized laboratory blood tests the precursors for diabetes can be detected many months or even years before a typical diagnosis would have normally been made.

Unfortunately, these tests are virtually never done even in specialized practices that treat diabetes. However, through proper testing, interpretation and intervention offered at The Institute of Advanced Medicine the risk of developing diabetes can dramatically be reduced.

To those who have currently been diagnosed with diabetes we offer a very unique diagnostic glucose monitoring device, which will give detailed minute by minute blood glucose readings. With this information a more targeted and efficient treatment plan to glucose control can be implemented.

Finally, in the area of treatment The Institute of Advanced Medicine believes in a comprehensive integrated approach to diabetes management.

One of the keys to successful diabetes treatment is understanding that elevated glucose is but a symptom of a much greater systemic metabolic problem.

So to have effective treatment you must address not just the symptoms, but the causes to each of these metabolic conditions. This is accomplished through the use of selected nutraceutical supplements, which have been proven in clinical studies to lower blood glucose and reverse the associated metabolic conditions common in diabetes.

If you require Diabetic Therapy Fort Lauderdale or the surrounding area, call us today.