The InBody 570 goes beyond traditional body composition analysis. It not only analyzes how much fat and muscle you have, but it also measures your Total Body Water and divides it into Intracellular Water and Extracellular Water, values important for understanding a user’s fluid distribution in medical, wellness, or fitness contexts.
The InBody Test
Only impedance is used to determine your body composition results; no statistical data or empirical equations are used or required to predict your body composition.
Measure your fat, muscle, and water levels in less than a minute. No dunking. No pinching. No discomfort. Simply stand on the device and hold the hand electrodes to test.
Non-invasive and pain-free testing
Safe, low-level currents are sent through the body through the hand and foot electrodes. The impedance the currents encounter are measured, and from there, your body composition is derived. With InBody’s patented technology, BIA has never been more highly correlated with gold standard methods until now.
Explore the Results Sheets
Each InBody Test will print out a full-page results sheet detailing the muscle, fat, and water values of the user. The InBody 570 provides you with lean mass and fat values in each segment of the body to give you a proper assessment of body composition.
Identify how many pounds of lean mass and fat are in each body segment. This can be utilized to determine how specific diets and exercises are affecting the body composition.
You can identify and track inflammation, swelling, and even injuries with ECW/TBW Analysis while monitoring how this ratio changes over time under the Body Composition History chart.
Results Sheet Interpretation
The following interpretations are demonstrated on the InBody770 Body Composition results sheet.
These can be used to understand outputs on all of the InBody body composition results sheets.
Sample InBody Results Sheet for Results Interpretation
Body Composition Analysis
The InBody 770 applies a quantitative value to the various components of the body’s composition. These values represent the weight of each compositional component that comprises the examinee’s total body weight.
1) Intracellular Water, Extracellular Water and Total Body Water
The InBody 770 measures Total Body Water by using multi-frequencies, separating TBW into Intracellular Water and Extracellular Water. Intracellular water (ICW) indicates the amount of water within the cellular membrane. Extracellular water (ECW) indicates the total amount of water in the interstitial fluid and blood.
2) Dry Lean Mass
Dry Lean Mass is the total body mass minus the water and the fat mass. It is composed primarily of proteins and mineral. Protein is solid in body cells, comprised of polymers of organic compounds, including nitrogen, and is a major component of muscle. Protein is directly related to intracellular water. A lack of protein can be indicative of poor nutrition.
3) Body Fat Mass
Body Fat Mass indicates the total quantity of lipids that can be extracted from fat and all other cells. BIA technology does not directly measure Body Fat Mass, but is determined as being the remaining poundage value after subtracting Lean Body Mass from the total body weight. Body Fat Mass is found stored under the skin, in visceral areas, and between muscles. When an examinee’s fat mass is higher than the standard range, he/she is diagnosed as being obese. Monitoring the amount of body fat mass an individual has is critical to maintaining good health.
4) Lean Body Mass
Lean Body Mass refers to the entire body weight with the exception of Body Fat Mass.The InBody 770 provides both the fundamentals as well as the comprehensive data related to Lean Body Mass that can aid in the evaluation of the health status of the examinee. As reference, athletic body types will have a higher proportion of Lean Body Mass compared to normal body types. As such, it is important for all body types alike to monitor their Lean Body Mass.
5) Body Weight
The InBody 770 technology provides the ability to separate body weight into Total Body Water, Dry Lean Mass, and Body Fat. Body weight is the total sum of these three components.
Click Here To Download The Inbody Results Sheet Interpetation